Monday, March 18, 2013

Mary and Iwan selling lemonade

 We've been putting the kids to work again. This time it was Mary and Iwan who set up a lemonade stall on Gray Road, peddling their wares for $1.50 a pop. The actual making of the lemonade was mostly Darryl and Bron and a me a little bit although I had to stop to take pictures (always a good excuse).

 Darryl and Bron took care of the bottling while Celia and Iwan took care of quality control...

The stage was set: lemonade, limeonade, fizzy or still, served with ice and mint...

Spearmint leaves 10c. What a bargain.

Just a quick test to make sure it's nice and cold and then to the most important customers of the day...

 After a slow start, the customers started to roll in. Due, in part, to the advertising they'd stuck on the fences of the houses up on the corner of Hoogley Street and partly because it was such a stinking hot day and the lemonade was REALLY good and cold.

As a reward for their efforts, we sent Mary and Iwan off to by some ice creams. Bron and I took over, raising awareness for a couple of other causes while we were there. Nobody bought any lemonade from us... 

 Oh well! This job's best left to the experts.

 And they raised a grand total of.... $58.55 for the West End Wonder Women so thankyou very much, Mary and Iwan!

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