Monday, March 11, 2013

Settle down, now, girls...

Teacher: Mr Scown
Good girls who came to class: Cara, Bronwyn, Michelle, Jacque (teacher's pet), Cate, Kirsty, Katina
Naughty girls who bunked off and had a smoke behind the bikesheds: Jacqui W, Emma and Celia.
Dinner lady: Scarlett

We got into our groove for the class by having a short-ish ride over the Go-Between and back over the Goodwill, down to Park Road and from there to our classroom for the afternoon: Jacque and Doug's back yard. A big thanks to Doug who not only gave us a very professional class but also managed to not loose his patience while we got stuck into scones and cupcakes and chatted on like we hadn't seen eachother for ages. I really think everyone got a lot out of the class. I think I might pencil in a once-a-month practice tyre-change just so I don't forget. More thanks goes to Cate who was thrust Kirsty's phone and instructed to take pics. Here are the fruits of her labour...

1. Remove your wheel

1a. Embrace the dirt: it makes you look dead hard!

2. Deflate your tyre...

3. Get your tyre levers out and, with the valve at the opposite side to where you are starting,  slip them in between the outer tyre and the inner tube. Using spit and a bit of fancy wrist work, slide the inner-tube out of the rim of the wheel, leaving the outer tyre where it is ....
So get one lever in first and hold onto it....
Then get the other lever in and slide it round...
Michelle cracks a lever joke...
4. Partially inflate your replacement inner tube...

5. Tuck it back in, valve first. If you took the outer tyre off with the inner tube, put the inner tube into the outer tyre first then tuck them both into the rim of the wheel at once.


6. Pump it!


6a. If that's too hard and you have the means to cheat and use a foot pump.... cheat!

That's it for now...
When I can get the photos off my phone I'll add them xxx

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