Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mary and Phoebe put in the hard yards

 It really was baking hot by the time we arrived at the Market just after 9. Our spot from last week was taken so we trudged through the crowds, eventually settling on a spot around on the Jane Street side next to a kindly jeweller who let the girls set up under the shade of her umbrella. (well...Mary was in the shade)

The girls' moods lifted almost at once as they hadn't even been playing for a minute when some generous soul threw $5 into the hat!

They exhausted their repertoire and then played through again and again. Mary's verruca was hurting so she stood on one leg. Then Phoebe stood on one leg too. Then Mari (who was joining in with her shaky egg). I think this got even more response from the crowd. We should have got another small child going past on a unicycle, juggling. Next time, next time.

We plied them with Market snacks and drinks and they continued to play for about 2 hours in total in the heat.

It was a sterling effort with a total of $78 takings!!! Then when they told Elaine, Katina's mum, she gave them 2 dollars to make it up to an even $80. Top busking, girls. And thankyou to everyone who donated today. The girls are over the moon!

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