Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ride number 5 - previewing this Sunday's ride

It's been a momentous day for the West End Wonders today. Officially joining Jacqui Walters and myself in our team are Michelle, Kirsty, Katina, Cate and Jacqui Boon. It's actually happening. 

And so to this Sunday's ride. I'm likely to be hungover quite badly as I'm going to Dannielle and Vinnie's place the previous night AND it's father's day so I could well be doing this one on my own but... I'm up for the challenge. And with all those lycra-clad dads out of the way it might be quite nice! Here's a little map for you.

 As you can see, it's a combination of our previous rides but with a little sojourn into the botanical gardens in case we happen to find the cafe there open. We have the tempting joy of Hoogley and Ganges streets on the way there but also the Go Between bridge. I thought after that we could do the bikeway thing: up to Regatta, then double back, under the Go Between and straight through to the botanical gardens. Note to self: check to see if the VW van is there as we ride opposite. Just incase we can't find a suitable cafe open in the botanical gardens. After that, over the Goodwill Bridge and back home along the river but once again turning to go up Victoria Street at the end.

It's about 17.5kms.

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