Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Regroup! Time for our first double.

Bron and Michelle were out this morning. I wished I could have joined them but I had to be at work by 7am so I did a quickie up Dornoch, down Gladstone, up Gladstone, down Dornoch. It only took me about 20 minutes and definitely got the heart pumping. I recommend it if you are in a hurry and don't have time for a full ride.

So: to the weekend. According to the suggested training schedule which I posted at the end of last year, we need to be doing a double 30km ride this weekend. That's 30km on saturday and 30kms on sunday.

Kirsty has suggested Norman Creek for Saturday with an extra bridge to make the 30kms. If nobody has any issues with that, let's lock it in.

 I would like to propose a ride out to Jindalee on Sunday morning. The circuit is about 35kms. Here are some maps:

This is the overview. (Ignore that bit with us coming down Montague at the end of the ride - the "create map" function on Mapmyride just sort of auto-filled it in for me.) We take a ride over the Go-Between and along the Coro Bikeway. Turn right under the tunnel that leads to Land Street and follow the bikepath along the road all the way to Toowong roundablout. From there we pick up the bikepath that runs alongside the Western Freeway. We take that all the way down to the river at Jindalee:

Once we cross Centenary Bridge, there is a path that we can follow that leads to a lake which is the bit on the map that we circumnavigate. There is a bench (thanks Google Earth) which overlooks the lake and would be a perfect half-way point for a break and a drink.
Here's the elevation map. Bearing in mind it's a 35km course, I think we can safely assume that these inclines are fairly gentle.
It's going to be a great weekend's riding.
Who's with me?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Rain did not stop play!

Bron and I went out this morning on a 3/4 river loop in a light drizzle. The air was much cooler than of late and it really was a pleasure to ride. We didn't really step on the pace that much but we did give the hills a good going over. Dornoch and Gladstone as well as the St. Lucia 'undulations'.

 This shot was about the 6th attempt after I kept turning the camera app off instead of taking the picture. There was a distinct lack of other riders on the road which made the ride quite relaxed.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Uphill Struggle

It's GOOD to be back into things. I've had a couple of easy rides and a couple of light sessions at the gym so I feel like I'm ready for some hills now.  I was wondering if anyone fancied doing this little circuit with me tomorrow morning at 5.30? Bron devised this route and I think it's a great one becuase it's short and sharp. You'll get a great workout AND have extra time for breakfast when you get back. Only 17kms but taking in the delights of Ivory Lane, that little hill that leads from Riverside Terrace to the S.E.Freeway Bikeway, Park Road and Gladstone Road.

Fancy it? See you at the CityCat stop, 5.30 tomorrow (Friday) morning!