Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Back on the road

We've all had a bit of a slack old time of late and with last week's rain, I don't think any of us have been particularly active on the cycling front. I've also found some new and time-consuming ways to put off writing the first draft of the sponsorship letter on my days off including shopping, experimental cooking, cleaning, organising my holiday photos, writing lists and menus....

Anyway so we did get out a couple of days last week and here are the photos to prove it!

Riders: Cara, Kirsty, Michelle, Celia and the newly-cleated-up Ruth.

We did a reverse river loop which was good because there seemed to be even more cyclists flying around (in the opposite direction) than usual.

With Ruth now in cleats we need to be a bit mindful of any late decisions on direction! A case in point being when I decided we should stop for a photo.  I made a pretty late call to turn right on Nadine Street near the river which resulted in Ruth performing a hari-kari style tumble in front of a ute. Luckily it wasn't moving very much due to the billions of cyclists all over the bloody shop so that was good. Also great fun to hear such filthy language from someone normally so composed. Two thumbs up, Ruth! (and sorry for not being clearer).

Anyway with the frazzled ute driver on his way and the huge pack of mamils reduced to a tiny speck on the Tennyson horizon, we got on with the serious business of posing and snacking and chatting on. It's a surprise we get any cycling done at all.

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