It was a pretty wet weekend. Katina and I got in early at 6am on Saturday to make the most of the semi-dry weather before it took a hold of the city. We did a loop of Mt. Coot-tha and then met up with Ruth and the three of us tackled Ithaca creek and followed it up with Seventeen Mile Rocks and home via Oxley. We were good with our snacks and stops: plenty of them including the Banneton bakery in Bardon I think it was which has lovely coffee and gorgeous looking cakes and bread but we didn't indulge in them - just the coffee. Of the three sections to the ride, Ithaca Creek was probably the one that I would avoid again if it is wet. There are lots of twists and turns so you really have to slow down.
Other than that I would recommend this route. You get a good hill workout as well as the endurance (read: sore arse) of a longer ride. It's about 70km. If I was being a real masochist, I might do it backwards. I'll see how I go with that one.
But there are other training options if you are worried about training on wet roads....

Kirsty, Michelle and Emma went hard on the spin bikes at the gym on Saturday morning. Go girls!!
Celia and I marched down and then up her long steep driveway on Sunday. Keong took the photo - cheers, Keong! OK it's probably not comparable to hours on the bike given that it was probably only about 1km and we had sipped a couple of glasses of mulled wine to warm up before we went (mmmm thanks Nell!) but we were still sweating and breathless by the end.
Keong didn't seem to raise much of a sweat which was a bit discouraging.
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