Monday, May 20, 2013

This morning's hill ride

Things are getting a bit nippy at 6am these days but this was my reward when I made it up Dornoch this morning. Only visible for a few brief minutes and then it was gone...

After a couple of moments of wonder, I snapped out of it and got on the the hill route.

For those looking to do some hill practice (that's everyone except Bron who has a good excuse), this is a good one. It takes about an hour and you can really build your leg strength up. Don't neglect your hills; they are your friends.

Dornoch Terrace, Park Rd West, Park Rd, Bikeway to Captain Cook,  Bikeway to Goodwill, Botanical Gardens, Riverside, Ivory Lane, Story Bridge, Thornton St, Kangaroo Point Bikeway, Bikeway to Park Road, Annerley Road past Boggo Road, Gladstone Road and home.

Optional extra is to  go straight ahead at the Gladstone Rd lights and head down towards the Corso on that little path just before you go onto the Green Bridge. You can then turn right at the bottom and head up the winding TJ Doyle Memorial Drive which, after avoiding for too long, I have found isn't that bad after all.

 Further to my point yesterday about feeling a bit unsure of the praise I got for getting up a very minor hill, I felt the complete opposite this morning. I got up Ivory lane with less zig-zagging than usual and as I reached the top a bloke who looked like he was heading off for a run raised his eyebrows and gave me a subtle head nod: 'Not a bad effort - well done' he said and I was genuinely chuffed. That is a bloody steep hill.

 I tried to imagine trying to get up a hill that steep but longer and with monkeys staring at you and bloody wild pigs and jungle on all sides. No wonder Bron hasn't done much riding.

Anyway. Moments later on the Story Bridge a big group of runners was heading towards me. I slowed down to check them out and sure enough it was Can-do, sweating profusely, in amongst his gang of henchmen. I took the time to not smile.

1 comment:

  1. You are all doing so marvellously with yer hills - (well done, girls indeed - "he" was lucky not to get a good smack in the chops, I reckon)- so why don't ya bring yer bikes out to Christmas Ck and show us how ya zoom up our bitumen hill!
