Sunday, November 25, 2012

RTCC Celebration 25km ride

Despite the heat, the gazillions of other riders, the sketchy knowledge of the route, the fact we lost the main group and ended up in our own little group, it was a GREAT morning. Really good experience riding in a group which Cate discovered to her detriment after the guy infront of her stopped halfway up a hill causing her to fall off!

Riders: Cara, Bron, Kirsty, Cate, Michelle, Emma and Jacque B yeehah

We were each given a quite poorly printed a4 map with the directions on it...

Michelle and Jacque studying the game plan.

Nahh who needs maps? It'll be signposted, surely?

Looking snazzy: Bron, Kirsty and myself all sported up.

Me and Bron - look at my MASSIVE fingers:

Anyway enough fisheye tomfoolery!

Down to business: the route.

As you can see, the entire ride was 37.3km. That's including getting to the Parklands (which was the starting and finishing point) and back to West End... and the fiddly bits like the rather pleasant but not-very-necessary turn around New Farm Park.

The Newstead bike path was in good condition and definitely worth re-visiting. We got a bit flummoxed once we headed away from the river  and took a couple of off-piste turns but ended up on Gregory Terrace and took a triumphant turn into Victoria Park for a nice familiar finish down the bike path and into the Parklands.

Special attention needs to be paid to the ginormous hill that was Colville Street. I am very proud of Bron and myself getting up there and also Emma who I didn't even notice as I was in my own little bubble by the time I got to the top. I was a little shaky at the end - couldn't even lift my hand up to hi-five Bron! As Emma points out we were so full of jubilation that we all went the wrong way, sailing all the way down Hampstead and losing the pack early in the piece. Anyway. You know how I go on about the goat track up to Annerley Road from the Corso? Well Colville Street is way worse. I might have another go at it one morning if I am feeling particularly masochistic.

Here's us after the ride! I should have got her to take two pics - sorry Emma your eyes are closed. Other than that it's a great shot. Mmmm group symmetry.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Catching up...

I've been very busy this week so haven't had a chance to post an update so let's do a round up...

Kirsty was away at the weekend in Lennox Heads and managed to do a ride while she was down there so kudos to her for including training in her relaxation time. AND managing to take some pictures for you all to enjoy. Looks like a nice place for a ride...

Watch out for that cliff!

Monday morning 5am, Michelle and I did a quick run across to St. Lucia via the Go Between and back along the Green Bridge. That one took about 45mins including 2 very quick water breaks.

Soaking up a bit of early morning sun at Regatta...

Wednesday morning 5am, Bron and I did a quick run up to Herston Road and back. It took about 55mins with 1 quick water break half way though. We probably would have made better time if we hadn't been chatting on quite so much. Anyway we were back in time for the eclipse - hurray!

Yes that tiny crescent of light on the card is the eclipse. It IS spectacular, I tell you!

In other news... EMMA LANYON is now officially a rider so congratulations to her for taking the plunge. If anyone has any fundraising news, be sure to let me know so I can post it here.

If anyone is interested in a ride over to Norman Creek and back on Saturday morning, I am thinking of leaving around 6am. Let me know.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Norman Creek and on to Emma's Place

Riders: Emma and myself

Route: Emma starting at her place and heading down to the river and along the Corso. Taking the dreaded goat track up to Gladstone Road then Highgate Hill and down to the CityCat stop where we met up. Then Dockside, Mowbray Park, Norman Creek Greenway, SE Freeway Bikeway south to near Tarragindi, up onto Ipswich Road, right onto School Road and over the Emma's gaff for coffee and eggs - thanks Chris and Emma!! Then I went home via Fairfield Rd and Cornwall Street avoiding aforementioned goat track. Here are a couple of maps:

This is the entire loop showing Emma's course via the Corso... (29.8km)

and a detail of the southern part of the ride, leaving the bikeway and heading towards Fairfield...

An excellent hill to sail down is Park Road heading towards Fairfield. I felt like I was flying! Looking at this map now, I realise we could have stayed on the bikeway a bit longer and hooked up with Cracknell St. straight from the bike path... but being a Sunday morning there wasn't a lot of traffic. Ekibin Rd was a slight uphill incline so it was a good workout!

Friday, November 9, 2012

This afternoon's plan

I haven't ridden for a few days so I'm taking the river loop up a notch today and going via the Goodwill bridge to add a few extra kms. I have to pick Mary up from school so I'm including that on my route as well. I'm going to allow 2.5hrs. Here's the plan:

As you can see I'll be heading to South Bank first which means the back end of the ride takes in the dreaded bike path from the Corso up to Annerley Road. I shall somehow be turning it around in my mind as something to really look forward to and relish. Would someone like to stand at the top with a hosepipe  on "mist" for me? And a magnum and a cold beer?
I'm still not game to take the road. Even driving it is scary!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Katina and co.

It's the 5am girls! Welcome Katina!

To the Bat Colony!

Yesterday afternoon I discovered Norman Park Greenway. It's a lovely little path that meanders through parkland alongside the creek going from Norman Park to Stones Corner. One section carried an interesting smell and familiar noise coming from the trees which I couldn't quite place... is that ducks?, I thought,... then I looked up in the trees and saw all these bats hanging from the branches. I'm going to take my long lens out there and try and get a better picture than this:


As far as the cycling goes, we know our way to Mowbray park. After that you follow your nose out of the park, up Laidlaw Parade (the hill, as Kirsty said, was easy) and left onto the shared footpath on Wynnum Road. This takes you to the traffic lights at junction of Norman Avenue. You have to cross at the lights and then cycle down Norman Avenue. The turning for the Greenway is a few hundred metres on the right. I was too busy pedalling to stop and get a picture so here's one from Google that looks remarkable similar:

You cross over the creek a couple of times as you go through and eventually you end up on the juntion of Stanley Street and Cavendish Road where you have to cross at the traffic lights. You'll see a signpost on the opposite side of the road (on Stanley St.) indicating where the path continues. That then takes you down to Stones Corner. This bit was a bit unclear to me as the path ends under the Stones Corner busway terminal. You have to cross the main road (Logan Road) and go right on the footpath, crossing over Cleveland Street and then the bikepath appears again on the left just before the bridge. Take that down to the little bridge on the right, cross over and follow through the park, over Junction st, down Fern Street. You see a signpost indicating the SE Freeway Bikeway and you need to go right to head to the city. It's a bit confusing because you then emerge back on the main road which is now O'Keefe Street. Take this shared footpath/bikepath under the highway and cross at the lights. NOW you are on the SE Bikeway heading to the City. Phew! Confused? Here's a map:

After that, the bikeway takes you all the way through (and over) Wooloongabba ending finally at Lower River Terrace by the Captain Cook Bridge.

Looking back, the only hill I had to really work at was the one coming out of Dockside on the way to Mowbray Park. The rest of it was relatively flat. I tried to record it on my phone but I ran out of batteries by the time I got to Dockside! Next time, deffo.

All up the 26km took me about an hour and a half. That's including a stop to admire the bats and some slow, confused cycling and pauses to scratch my noggin.

We could extend this ride for almost as long as we like by heading south on the SE Bikeway instead of turning right to go across the little park here. The possibilities are endless!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rive preview: West end to the Gabba taking in Norman Creek Greenway and SE Freeway Bikeway

This afternoon, I am heading out to try a new route: (26.19km)

I'll start by heading out along the river and do the usual trip to Mowbray Park via Dockside. Then continue through Mowbray Park and leading up a side street and then onto Wynnum Road which has a shared bikeway/footpath. Follow that until the junction of Norman Avenue. Take Norman Avenue until the Norman Creek Greenway entrance and follow this as it meanders around Norman Park and Coorpooroo, crossing Stanley Street East and Old Cleveland Road. Picking up the SE Freeway Bikeway at O'Keefe Street and following that back up to the river near the Captain Cook Bridge. Then back via the river. I need to be at school by 4.45pm so I am going to leave home around 2.30ish which will allow for a few wrong turns and confused/photo moments. Here is a more detailed section of the map:

And this is a Google Streetview pic of Laidlaw Parade, the road leading out of Mowbray Park. Looks like a bit of a hill...

I"ll give you a full report on how I go tomorrow.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fried, green mamas at the Whiste Stop Cafe

It was a really refreshing ride on Sunday. Thanks to Bron for pulling me into line regarding the weather. I looked out at the rain and thought "nope not today" but she was straight on BOM checking the radar and assured me it was a passing shower. It meant that the air was blissfully cool which was good cos I had a bit of a hangover.

Riders: Cara, Bron, Cate, Celia, Emma
Feeble Excuses: Kirsty(tired), Michelle (bike not good in the wet)

 ahaha ok ok I know you both went out today

We did the Dornoch Tce/Corso/Indro Bridge/St Lucia/Green Bridge/Gladstone Road route and stopped at the Whistle Stop cafe for a very much needed coffee.

Getting good use out of my fish eye!

Kirsty makes it BIG

44 kms on Saturday, up to Shaw Park well actually I think it is Mercer Park with the nice duckies quacking away. I managed to avoid oncoming trucks which was an improvement on last time. Also: I didn't fall off trying to get on the saddle as much but did have a bit of a wardrobe malfunction involving catching the undercarriage padding on the saddle. I didn't look behind me.
On the way back 2 hills got the better of Kirsty: Waterford Street and Greene Street. The challenge is there now. My predictions? Next time I think you'll smash Waterford. Greene Street the time after.

A well earned pit stop:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bron and Michelle hear sparrow farting no no wait I think it was that bloody storm bird.

Yes, Michelle and Bron actually went through with it and met up at 5am this morning for a quick St. Lucia loop which took about 50 minutes at a leisurely pace. I must admit, I am tempted to try starting at 5 as the summer approaches. Not long after 5 this morning I was lying awake listening to a storm bird with an increasing sense of urgency. Here's some pics!
5am and not too shabby:

Look! Sunrise!